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The Basics of Orthodontics
Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that focuses on correcting bite, facial and speech problems. Often, orthodontic treatment involves the use of metal braces. It also helps address oral health concerns such as gum problems and tooth decay. Depending on the severity of the problem, the procedure may require up to two years. Read more great facts on braces Las Vegas, click here.

Malocclusion, or improper alignment of teeth, is a common issue. Misaligned teeth can cause difficulty chewing, poor oral hygiene, and an increased risk of tooth decay. Crooked teeth can also detract from the appearance of a person's smile. This is why many people seek orthodontic treatment to fix their crooked teeth and improve their smile. Fortunately, there are treatments for almost everyone. For more useful reference regarding North West Las Vegas Orthodontist, have a peek here.

Orthodontics usually begins when a child is about 12 years old. A typical orthodontic protocol lasts between 18 and 30 months, depending on the extent of the problem. If there is a serious malocclusion, the orthodontist might recommend corrective surgery. The goal is to align the teeth and jaw to promote healthy development.

In some cases, the orthodontist might also recommend a removable appliance such as a headgear. The device can help to correct minor problems, such as tongue thrusting, and can be removed for flossing and brushing. However, some patients may find that they are uncomfortable wearing the appliance while eating.

There are other types of appliances that can be used, such as expanders, retainers, and fixed space maintainers. These devices keep space open for the teeth until they become permanent. They can be worn by both children and adults.

Braces are the most common type of orthodontic device. They are made of ceramic, plastic or metal and are attached to the teeth. Traditional braces are bonded to the teeth with brackets, while metal braces are attached to the teeth with archwires. The archwires are passed through brackets and are tightened regularly.

Dental braces are usually the first choice for orthodontic treatment. Braces are often used to treat a number of bite irregularities, including overcrowding and impacted teeth. Other issues that can be corrected by orthodontics include cleft lip and palate, underbites, and clicks in the jaw.

Some people may be referred to an orthodontist by a general dentist. An orthodontist can create a treatment plan that is customized for each patient. Once the orthodontist has determined what is needed, the treatment can begin. Patients can choose from a variety of braces, from traditional metal braces to clear braces.

Modern braces are much smaller and less visible than they once were. Their design is aimed at making them easier to wear. Metal braces are more discreet and can be made of lighter materials. Please view this site  for further details. 

Removable appliances are a popular alternative for orthodontic treatment. Many individuals opt for invisible aligners, which are a form of braces that don't involve metal wires. People with severe malocclusions, however, may need to wear a removable appliance. Those with impacted teeth or a cleft lip and palate may be referred to an orthodontist before adult teeth come through.